Hi all,
Just a quick update. My summer wasn't too busy, I guess blogging really isn't my thing or I guess I'm just really lazy when it comes to writing my blog and reading others' blogs. It's really not that difficult and I actually enjoy it when I do it. I guess I just have difficulty committing myself to writing something at least once a week if not twice a week. I do plan on making that better. What do you guys do to stay consistent on writing your blog?
This Wednesday sees me starting a new contract job as a technical writer. Woo! My first "official" job in which I can call myself a technical writer. :D It feels awesome and for the first time I'm getting paid way more than I feel I deserve to be. Hopefully this is good bye to crap minimum wage jobs. *fingers crossed*
Other than my cousin's wedding back in mid-July, I've basically stayed in state. However, we are taking a late vacation to Florida to visit Kevin, a long time friend from high school, and I'm definitely going to Harry-Freakin-Potter Land. I have made it my mission.
As for writing, "On the Other Side of the Teapot" is taking longer than foreseen. I did not complete or even start June's Camp Nanowrimo. I am however doing August's. I'm not in very deep but I'm hoping that doing the competition while starting a new job will allow me to create habits in which I write every single day again despite what is going on in my life.
So yea. That's the last few months in a nutshell. I have a couple of blogs planned in which I will wax poetic details of a certain cousin's religious nuptials and my exploration of family roots in Springfield, MO. Also, the always inspirational Neil Gaiman's college graduation speech will get it's own spotlight in this month's blogs.
Happy Writing!