Well not quite yet but soon.
My husband has accepted a new job in California doing the same thing he did here (inspection) but with pieces of a space rocket. To be more specific, he's working with one of his dream companies SpaceX and is just one step closer to putting himself as well as the rest of us in space and possibly living on Mars. Check out the video below to see who and what he'll be working with.
So yea. We are leaving the Grand Canyon State. Despite the fact that I have just taken that tech job I wrote about back in August and the fact that I'm pregnant. Oh yea. I forgot to mention. I'm 4 months pregnant. Gender still unknown for at least another week and a half. Pictures of the alien spawn will be posted soon, I promise. So the future grandparents are not very happy that we are leaving, all of whom actually live in the Valley.
Between the guilt induced comments of our parents, the stress of moving, and the future little one, we are also trying to sell the house that we just bought last March. Somewhere along the way we were headed towards the standard American dream but decided "Nope! Not for us!" Which I'm actually okay with, once I think about the whole situation minus the stress factor.
Moving to California could open up a lot of doors for me creatively and career wise. Plus, I'll finally get to live in a place that's not by a man-made body of water.
So yea. That is the last five or so months. Quitting newly acquired job. Selling our house. Moving to L.A. Having a baby. And dealing with pouty depressed parents.Life is grand, right? My consolation? Disneyland and the beach. :D