Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Birthday, Visit from my Bestie, and Disneyland. OH MY!

I'm trying to get back on schedule from my original idea that I set up back in April. (Click here if you would like to know what I'm talking about.) I'm juggling a few other projects and ideas, but I'm determined that this blog does not go by the wayside again.

About a month ago, I left my 20's and jumped into my 30's. It's actually not as big of a deal turning 30 compared to turning 29. I had my "Holy shit, I'm old!" moment back when I turned 29. Usually people have a crisis when they hit the middle of their life, I had mine at 29.

It was good though. The crisis, I mean. It helped me put things into perspective and pushed me to actually pursue my dream of writing and creating my own publishing house. So when birthday number 30 came around, it felt like a milestone to be proud of. I got to stay home with my daughter for the past two years and really explore my nurturing and creative side. Considering how it's really difficult to live off of one paycheck, I am very grateful that I was able to have this experience. While I have decided to go back to work, I'm determined to make it a job/profession that I enjoy, rather than a job that pays the bills kind of deal.

Worn once but only with the promise of M&M's
To mark my 30th birthday I decided we were going to go to Disneyland! But not just any Disney trip, we were going to go trick or treating at Disneyland. It was pretty awesome! We all dressed up. I made Alice a little green vest so that she could be Gir. She hated the vest and instead wore a green and black tutu. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed by that considering it took me a week to make the vest and two hours to make the tutu. What can I say? The girl likes to twirl and sparkle.

Also, to mark the special occasion, my writing buddy and future business partner, came out for the weekend as well and joined us in the shenanigans. She and I decided to do a similar themed costume and did skeleton makeup. Technically, we did a two-faced day of the dead look. I called it "Pretty Dead". ;-) While she was here, we worked on our spiritual blog connected to that book project I was talking about in the last post. If you're interested, I'll post a link to it at the end of the blog.
Jackie and I in our "Pretty Dead" look

We were also joined by my in-laws who dressed up as convicts. A costume that was actually original, until we came across the "Where's Waldo?" family. Then there were horizontal stripes everywhere. It was funny though, the various Disneyland staff kept asking them which prison they broke out of.

And Jason was Jason and wore one of his cross-genre nerd shirts. Maybe next year we'll get him an awesome costume together.

We had a great time, enjoyed all of the fall and Halloween decorations at Disneyland, and have made plans to do it again next year! Maybe even make it a tradition. So yea. Great 30th. Great company. A good time was had by all!

Oh! Here's the link to our spiritual blog. We stopped for a few years when I moved to California. We're just starting to gear up again and use it as a supplemental space for our book. The book should be finished by the end of November. That's one of my nanowrimo books this year. And yes, I said one of because I'm crazy enough to do two projects. You'll understand why in a few months. ;-)

Anyways, talk to you soon! Bask in the glory of all the pictures!
Un-amused f.i.l (I took a picture of both of them taking a picture of us. :D)
Jason's well timed photo bomb...
The Unworn Gir Costume
Pretty Dead Girls

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! Your Disneyland trip sounds like it was a lot of fun. That's a shame about the Gir costume going unused. It looks so cute!
