Happy New Year!
Welcome 2014! I greet you with much enthusiasm and optimism. Not that 2013 was a bad year for me- it was actually pretty great. More like, I can't believe it's already complete! A lot happened for me, both personally and professionally.
Spacex! |
J- captured his dream job working on space rockets. We sold our house in AZ. Moved to Los Angeles.
.JPG) |
Newly birthed epic pout baby! |
Had a baby.
MMM.... Red Velvet Bday cake! |
Turned 28.
Us at the Giant Bean! |
Traveled with said baby via airplane to Chicago. Had a blast.
Yeah buddy! |
Buckled down for Nanowrimo. Won Nanowrimo! (Woo!) Had the winner's shirt misdelivered twice. (Still haven't gotten it lol)
Tyr with his bandage :-( |
Had one of my corgis almost die. (Tyr was diagnosed with diabetes and is doing better)
Alice waiting patiently by the tree |
And somewhere between those last four things, the holidays hit. Man oh man! Last year was a whirlwind of personal growth, achievement, and just plain and sleepless craziness. I am still recovering!
So welcome 2014! I get the feeling that the flurry of crazy life events is not even close to completion. In fact I know it's not. (More on that later.)
To blog or not to blog!
As I look back through my sparse and sporadic blog postings, I see I failed to make my 10 posts last year. :-( Oh well. Life happens. Lol. This year I can't promise will be any different but I know I will definitely try harder. The more my resolve and determination grows to go after my dream of becoming not only a published author but making writing my life long career, the more important it is for me to stay in touch with the blogging sphere. Yes, it markets my "brand" but I see it as more than that. This blog is an outlet. Not a total and complete outlet as I should keep some kind of semblance of professionalism. (As best I can at least. ;-) ) But it definitely is a place that helps to give me perspective and motivated. With that said, let's move on to that!
A list of my goals this year! Woo! Here goes!
Personal Goals
- Run (jog/walk is more like it) a half marathon- Yep, I'm going for it again! This time laziness or being pregnant will not get in the way of this goal. I will accomplish it this year and if I like it, will probably try to tackle another one or at least a mini triathlon next year.
- Travel!- I've always wanted to travel and so I'm gonna! As to where? You and I both will have to see this year. :-)
- Mommy/Special Interest Groups- Now that Alice is no longer a newborn, we both need to mingle and grow roots in our new community.
Professional Goals
- Publish some short stories- Definitely lacking on recent publishing credits. I've already started the search for an editor to help polish and get my stories ready for submission. :-)
- Get into the Scifi/Fantasy Writers Guild of America- This is more to help with potential legal issues and networking more than anything else. Plus, it doesn't hurt in building up my writer credentials.
- Find an agent for my fantasy novel if I decide not to epublish- Still on the fence about tranditional/independent publishing vs. epublishing. I'm definitely thinking this needs to be a blog post since I've come across other budding novelists who are facing the same question.
So that was last year for me in brief bursts of sentences and pictures. I'm hoping to accomplish these goals and more. I've broken them down into easier steps but that's the general idea I have going.
What are you wanting to accomplish this year?
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